
Album Of The Week
Bella’s Bartok’s Change Yer Life

bartokWithin the depths of Western Massachusetts, there’s a band that’s been causing a stir. They’ve also been causing a frenzy, a ruckus and they’re making people dance. Who are these party starters? They’re Bella’s Bartok and they’re one of the most exciting live acts in New England. Hailing from Northampton, this band has a fun brand of gypsy-infused folk punk that has been getting people in the mood to move since the beginning of the decade. They have a new album coming out titled Change Yer Life and it perfectly captures their unique sound.

The rhythms are infectious and their collective multi-instrumental talents add countless dimensions to their material. Jesse Putnam plays accordion, mandolin, guitar and trumpet. Chris “Fancy” Kerrigan also plays guitar and clarinet and assists on vocals. Amory Drennan alternates between the trombone and banjo and Dan Niederhauser and Crisco complete the rhythm section on bass and drums, respectively. With frontman Asher Putnam adding genuine charisma on the mic, this sextet is a force to be reckoned with.

Bella’s Bartok’s new record is a lot of fun to listen to. There’s an abundance of energy and zest from front to back — no wonder they’ve been a hot commodity around the Northeast recently. Speaking of hot commodities, the value of my top tracks off of the Album Of The Week can’t be ignored.

With a groovy bass line starting it off, “Ramona” has jumping tones and Putnam’s mandolin is very much present. The horns also make it a gem. Catchy shouting is all over “So Calm, Relaxed;” the chorus will be stuck in your head for eons. One for the peculiar types, “The Strange Ones” is haunting and triumphant. It’s truly a ballad for the people who like to keep it weird.

Bella’s Bartok will celebrate the release of Change Yer Life at Pearl Street in Northampton on Saturday, March 26 with Burlington, Vermont garage punks Rough Francis. With two heavyweights sharing the stage this is a can’t-miss show. Head to the show and grab a copy of the new album from Bella’s Bartok. Its moving and grooving sensation is rivaled by few.

Stream “Ramona” on Bella’s Bartok’s Bandcamp:; Grab tickets to this Saturday’s release show for Change Yer Life at Pearl Street in Northampton, MA:; Bella’s Bartok’s Website: