
What the FRIDGE?

JohnElkhay John ElkhayJohnElkhayFridge

Head Chef at 10 Prime Steak and Sushi

“I have lots of condiments in my fridge – I’m very partial to mustard and hot sauces for added zip – and I always have flavored sparkling waters, organic eggs, hummus and blueberries. The containers at the bottom are full of a huge batch of paleo meatballs I just made.”



Richard Richard SilvaRichardFridge

The White Horse Tavern

“The Drumsticks and crisper full of juice boxes are for my 5-year-old and 10-year-old. The white Corningware has homemade mac and cheese with kielbasa in it. I like to think I have a fun fridge.”





sanjiv sanjivheadSanjiv Dhar

Head Chef & Owner of Rasoi

“Those white bowls contain cooked lentils and boiled vegetables. The fresh coconut on the top shelf I use as a garnish on cooked vegetables or I just eat it as a snack.”



Jon DilleChefDillion

The Grange

“The containers in the freezer are full of frozen vegetable scraps to make stock.”








ChefMinnie2Minnie Luong

Chef, Culinary Educator & Owner of Chi Kitchen

“I’m like the Kim Kardashian of food, but instead of Birkin Bags, I like to hoard food. My family is obsessed with pickling and preserving. Right now we have Morroccan preserved lemons, spicy garlic dills. jardiniere pickles, bone broth, ume-boshe radishes, sauerkraut, and of course, kimchi, whichChefMinnie I eat for breakfast with eggs and avocados. I put herbs in a mason jar with water and it’s like having a flower arrangement in your fridge. And don’t get me started on the wonders of fish sauce… I was born on a rice farm in Vietnam, the stuff is in my DNA.”





Chef-Robert-Sisca-ProvidenceG-May-2016Robert Sisca

Head Chef At Providence Gsisca

“My twins love rib eye steak and even wild game so we have venison right now. Seafood is my specialty, and I’m savoring the fresh caught stripe bass in there. I always have fresh fruit, milk, eggs and good butter and two bottles of wine chilling. I also have good charcuterie and cheeses, fresh dough and cheese to make a pizza.”



NicksNicks2Derek Wagner

Head Chef of Nicks on Broadway

This one speaks for itself.







Livesy LivesyFridegDave Livesy

Chef and Owner of Open Season

“I buy local meat and produce the day I’m going to use it, so my fridge has a lot of sauces and supporting items, like Mrs. Renfro’s Ghost Pepper Salsa, which I use if I’m not making my own, or that mason jar full of habanero jam I bought at a local farmers market. I love all beers and they all have their place – Budweiser when it’s hot or I’m doing late-night prep work and craft beer with dinner or friends. Budweiser also makes a good ingredient in many recipes. You’ll always find a lot of cheese in my fridge both from local artisans or from all around the world.”

Chef Kathleen Bellicchi

“Growing up my mother planned meals around a protein. Especially at thisChef-Kathleen-Bellicchi-headshot-2016 time of year the Farmer’s Market is the inspiration andChef-Kathleen-Bellicchi-fridge-June-2016 a protein — if any — is dictated by what looks good and tasty. I love to bring my finds home and display them in the fridge to get inspiration for specific dishes. Yesterday dandelion greens, artichokes (admittedly from CA) and strawberries  were the best finds.”


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