A Gift You Can Keep On Giving: Rhode Island Blood Center makes donating blood easy and rewarding

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On average, a person needs blood every 2 seconds and Rhode Island Blood Center (RIBC) needs to collect 200+ units per day to ensure an adequate supply for the patients and hospitals we serve. Blood products can be used to help those undergoing cancer treatment, like the children at Hasbro Children’s hospital, those undergoing surgery, experiencing a trauma or mothers experiencing a difficult labor and delivery.

RIBC is a non-profit community blood center. We have been the primary supplier of blood and blood products to patients at hospitals throughout Rhode Island and neighboring states for over 40 years.  Our mission is to maintain a safe and stable blood supply to help save lives and ensure products are available for the patients whose lives may depend on it. 

It is estimated that 375,000 Rhode Islanders are eligible to give blood, however only about 5% of the state’s population donates each year. Now is the time to join this elite group and save someone’s life. 

You likely know someone who has needed a blood product in their lifetime, you just may not know it. By building the lifesaving habit of donating every 8 weeks, you will ensure that blood is available to help someone else should they need it. It could even be you! 

Over the last year, RIBC has declared a blood emergency on five separate occasions. Due to this, it is critical that we have young and first-time donors book and keep their appointments. They, along with our loyal past volunteer donors, can help build up our local and national blood supply. RIBC also works closely with many organizations and schools in the community to host blood drives. With the help of our dedicated sponsors, we run over 1,200 mobile drives per year. In addition, we have six donor centers open across the state and collect blood seven days a week, making it easy for someone to find a convenient time and location to donate. 

Donating whole blood typically takes less than an hour of your time from start to finish. We like to think of blood donation as “me time”: take a break from your busy schedule and relax, knowing you are helping save two or more lives right here in our community. As an added bonus, we provide some tasty post-donation snacks as a thank you for your commitment to lifesaving! 

We also have some great end-of-year promotions as a thank you to presenting donors. These are part of our incentive program that takes place throughout the year. RIBC also has a rewards program for loyal donors, where you are eligible to receive several types of items from a t-shirt to an e-gift card. Be part of this elite donor community and help save a life. Learn more at ribc.org/promos. 

Our friendly staff is ready to walk you through the donation process and answer any questions you may have. Remember, it takes less than an hour of your time to save two or more lives. It can also be some time to decompress with some “me time” during the busy end-of-year holiday season. Give the spice of life this holiday season, donate blood. Visit our website, ribg.org to book your appointment and start saving lives! You can also learn more about our mission to help those in our community.

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