It has been one year since Donald Trump was elected president. Though change is blessedly — or painfully, depending on your political leanings — slow, his election has certainly had an impact. Some organizations and individuals are reacting with fear, changing policies and making life decisions based on what might be, and no one can blame them for that reaction. Others are literally and figuratively giving a giant middle finger to this administration by doing things like choosing to adhere to the Paris Accord or taking to the street in protest. And that’s the silver lining in the giant (mushroom?)-cloud of worry many are experiencing. Complacency is no longer the norm and many of us are looking fearlessly into the mirror, confronting our previously unrecognized -isms. The long-term impact of his presidency remains to be seen, but on these pages, we explore what has changed in the last year.
Will Puerto Rico Define Trump’s Presidency?