Beervana has grown into the grand poobah of beer fests in our region (see last issue for a full breakdown of this year’s expanded Saturday events on Oct 26). Leading up to it is Providence Craft Beer Week, an extended warm up that can get your taste buds in gear, with events from Saturday the 19th through Friday the 25th. Each night at least one local beer bar (many nights it’s two or even three) hosts a local brewer. Events during the week include quite a few launches (Imperial Pumpkin Ale from Trinity, Little Sister from Grey Sail and Ocean State IPA from Foolproof to name a few). Collect stickers at each stop and by competing at such beer friendly sports as foosball, cornhole, the Wild Colonial’s wildly infamous Grog and Dog Jog and flipcup to win Beervana passes and extra prizes, and there’s a week-long challenge crafted by the devious minds at EscapeRI. Events are almost all from 5:30 to 8:30pm, and full details are available at