Rhode Rage: n. An explosive emotional response to one of the following stimuli: overly aggressive or negligent drivers on the road around you, sudden and unexpected traffic clogs when one is already late, or the shattering of an axle on potholes, despite the fact that they have been “recently patched.”
Also, it’s a beer.
Our friends down in Newport are certainly stepping up their brewing game. Rhode Rage is a rare and pricey double IPA produced by Newport Craft Brewing. It’s the next installment in my infinity-part series to taste and document all the delicious craft beer in Rhode Island. The GoFundMe page for my inevitable liver transplant will be online soon. Rhode Rage claims to be made of “Sea and Spirit,” which sounds nice, but I think I’ve had enough spirits coming out of my beer to harass me for my dislike of white ales and lambics.
Luckily, no specters appeared as I cracked the can and poured myself a nice tall glass from this 16oz, 8.5% double IPA. Perhaps I should launch that GoFundMe today.
The can design is surprisingly minimalist, but classy, with a sort of “Mad Men” font and a fancy little logo that I think is supposed to make us forget the days when the crew of Newport Storm, aka Coastal Extreme, had a mascot who was a ripoff of Duff Man. Ah, memories.
In fairness, they’ve come a very long way, as has craft beer in Rhode Island, and it’s nice to see them still keeping pace after all this time. The aroma is of bitter citrus from some undoubtedly potent hops, but this is peanuts compared to the hoptastic influx of alpha acids from the first sip. While on the strong side of IBUs even for some craft beer lovers, it’s a hop-head’s dream. It’s wonderfully complex and strangely thirst-quenching, even as the dryness comes in on the end. There’s no detectable hot flavors, the body and mouthfeel instead painting over any potential heat with bright citrus, sweet malt and a crisp bite.
This is no brew for liteweights, in any sense of the term. It’s a delightful, flavorful double IPA. I wouldn’t say it’s exactly balanced, as the hops are the beginning, middle and end of the flavor profile, but the bouquet is so satisfying and crisp that I’m not even experiencing my usual hop palate fatigue.
This little gem just might be worth the effort it takes to hunt down a pack, and if you’re a fan of our favorite little flower cones, I definitely advise giving it a taste. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to try to get a hold of the 2,134 beers that were released here in Rhode Island just as I was writing this article.