WED 29
Fundraiser for Planned Parenthood: Featuring some of the funniest women in New England and if you don’t go, we can’t be friends. 9pm – 1am. AS220 Blackbox Theatre, 95 Empire St, PVD.
PechaKucha Night Providence #95: See presenters try to keep up with 20 slides of exactly 20 seconds each, presenting whatever their favorite topic is under this month’s theme: “Brainstorming” Foolproof brewing Company, 241 Grotto Ave, Pawtucket.
THU 30
Party Pigs / Snot Rocket Double Release Show: EP releases by a party rock a la Andrew WK and a brand new PVD punk band. 9pm. Aurora, 2176 Westminister St, PVD.
The Myth, the Man, the Legend: Tupac is finally back!! Not only making music, but playing shows, too? Playing at the first place he ever sold out right here in Providence! 9:30pm, Dead or Alive venue, 105 Cuba Rd, PVD.
H.P. Lovecraft’s Legacy: Dramatic readings of the prose and poetry of Providence’s 1920s horror legend HP Lovecraft, along with song, recitations of poems composed for the occasion, and general Cthulic creepiness. 3 – 4pm. Ladd Observatory, 210 Doyle Avenue, PVD. Seach Facebook.