FRI 25
Buy Nothing Day Coat Exchange — Trade in that old coat for the good of someone who needs it. Multiple locations.
SAT 26
Short Short Story Film Festival — Find out how much a great filmmaker can do with your head and emotions in fewer than 6 minutes. “Headtrip” and “Heartstrings” programs alternate throughout the day. 2pm – 8:30pm, AS220 Blackbox Theatre, 95 Empire St, PVD.
TUE 29
He Named Me Malala — Support girls’ education around the globe on Giving Tuesday with this documentary. 7pm, Greenwich Odeum, 59 Main St, East Greenwich.
Slim Cessna’s Auto Club — There comes a moment in every Slim Cessna’s Auto Club show when you realize you’re seeing something you’ll never see anywhere else. 8pm, The Met, 1005 Main St, Pawtucket.
WED 30
Andrew WK — A speaking tour devoted to the never-ending search for truth through partying. 8pm, The Columbus Theatre, 270 Broadway, PVD.