THU 13
National Grid Public Info Session: Did you know National Grid was planning to build a new liquified natural gas processing facility in South Providence, purported to run around $180 million? Did you know they’ve declined to attend or hold any public hearings about the plant? Do you want to know more? This hearing will be open to the public. One wonders what expectations led them to hold it at the Providence Police Station. Feels like a trap for Batman – come find out. Providence Police Department, 325 Washington St, PVD. @NoLNGPVD
THU 13 – FRI 14
Crimetown Live in Providence: The podcast sensation has a sit-down with some of the real-life characters from Season 1 at the Columbus, complete with audience Q&A. Find out where the bodies got buried. The Columbus Theatre, 270 Broadway, PVD.
FRI 14
Colonial Gardens: Dye, Medicinal, & Household Plants & Their Use: Learn from URI master gardeners as they reach out (for free) to make our world a greener place. 3 – 4pm. Varnum House Museum, 57 Peirce St, East Greenwich.
SAT 15
Be a Kid Again!: Build forts, climb trees and enjoy other kid-things accompanied by beer and a local rock band. Adults only. 6 – 8pm.
SUN 16
Incredible Ice Cream Throwdown: Sample local ice creams and have all-you-can-drink New Harvest Coffee and Yacht Club Soda. Let loose and make this your cheat day. 1pm, 150 East Manning St, PVD.