
Top 5 Fun Things To Do: April 11 – 17

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Belly Dance Show/ Dinner/ Hafli: The abdominal stylings of Zahra, Kanina, Mahdia and Nancy/Shayna. 6pm dinner, 7:30 show. Efendi’s Grill & Bar, 160 Atwood Ave, Cranston.

Chuck and Brad Reimagine Avengers: Ubernerds and hosts of the Chuck and Brad Podcast do a live retelling of the original Avengers movie, with their own poetic licenses, to help you prepare for the highly anticipated release of Avengers: Infinity War. The Comedy Connection, 39 Warren Ave, East Providence.


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Urban Ag Kick-off: Across four PVD locations — experts will be on hand to teach you the basics of farming in containers and small city plots. 11am, Southside/Davey Lopes Recreation Center, 227 Dudley St; East Side/Sessions Street Community Garden, 160 Sessions St; West End/Ring Street Community Garden, 16 Ring St; Olneyville/Joslin Park Community Garden, 40 Florence St.

Harry Potter Symphonic Sorcery: The Harry Potter Soundtrack Orchestra charms with music from the movies. Please leave all wands at the door. 8pm. Greenwich Odeum, 59 Main St, East Greenwich.

Historic Cemetery Restoration / Awareness Day: This RI holiday celebrates grave matters with clean-ups at cemeteries of all shapes and sizes. Find an small, old, forgotten and obscure one near you and pick some especially well-nourished weeds! Times vary by location — a full list is at