I sometimes like to just go outside
And stand
No certain spot where I stand
I just go wherever my feet lead me
Once I’m where my legs decide I’m supposed to be
I just stand
To hear the world
And smell the air
Air different than inside air
Outside air
And look at the sky
Cause there’s something beyond it
Beyond the sky
You can’t see it but you know it’s there
I’ll look to the nearby street when I hear a car tire rolling
Indicating a human
A human driving
Translating to a human living
A human who I can’t see and who I don’t know
But nonetheless another life
It reminds me I’m not just me
I’m not just alone in this existence
Living is living with other people
Even when you don’t know the people
You don’t know the human
The human driving that car
They’re still there
And when you stand outside and smell the outside air
And see the sky which is hiding the endless mysteries that are space
And hear the tire bringing the human to their life
You’re reminded of all of that
Of you not being alone
Even when you’re standing by yourself