
Tune In, Tune Up Helps Provide Affordable Healthcare for Rhode Island Musicians

On March 27 at 7 pm, at the Blackstone River Theater, the Rhode Island Music Hall of Fame is hosting an event to draw awareness to its Tune In, Tune Up program.

Tune In, Tune Up is an initiative designed to give members of Rhode Island’s music community access to affordable healthcare. Through the program, Rhode Island’s musicians and industry professionals can sign up for a free membership card that will give them discounts off of health-related products and services, access to a discussion series that tackles health issues unique to those in the industry, and access to a website dedicated to health issues from a musician’s perspective.

Tune In, Tune Up also partnered with the Access Basic Care Initiative, which is an alternative to health insurance designed to give all Rhode Islanders access to affordable health care. Tune In, Tune Up membership card holders will have their co-pay fees waived if they choose to join the Access Basic Care Initiative.


Admission to the March 27 Tune In, Tune Up discussion and Q&A session is free. All musicians and industry professionals, whether currently working or retired, are encouraged to attend.