
HxC: Heady Chugs and Heavy Nugs — An Interview with Chris Carrera of Disavow

a4271888360_16Hardcore and punk is well and alive in PVD. Alongside hometown heroes, such as DROPDEAD, Lightening Bolt, Daughters and many others, punk veterans Weak Teeth have collaborated with members of The Hurt Ensemble to create a band that measures up to epic proportions. Disavow is a D-beat/hardcore/screamo band that is slowly making a name for themselves in the local scene and beyond. I was lucky enough to catch Chris Carrera, guitarist of Disavow, and ask him a couple questions about the band.

Mathew Gilbert (Motif): Disavow is a relatively new band, correct? Could you name the members and what they play in the band?

Chris Carrera: Disavow has been a band since April 2016. We starting writing what would become our demo in April and played our first show in May with 10 minutes of material. Dylan plays drums, Chris plays guitar, Michael does vocals and Jon plays bass.


MG: I’ve seen Disavow play a couple times at As220, and your set completely blew me away. It reminded me a lot of late ’90s and early 2000s punk and hardcore-influenced screamo. Are there any bands from that era that you guys are influenced by? I heard a lot of Joshua Fit For Battle and Orchid-esque riffs, which is awesome!

CC: We draw a lot of influence from bands like His Hero is Gone and Converge, but other bands we have played in have been influenced by screamo bands like Orchid and Circle Takes the Square, so I think inevitably those are going to be apparent in any project we start.

MG: I know that Disavow is composed of members from some well known PVD bands like Weak Teeth, Blood Pheasant, and The Hurt Ensemble; is Disavow just a side project or are you guys taking this band as seriously as your others?

CC: With some members of those projects pursuing other goals, this band is allowing those of us who want to continue touring to do so. Weak Teeth and Bloodpheasant will always hold places of incredible importance to us, but it seems like the full-time touring chapter of those bands may have come to a close. Also, The Hurt Ensemble is on tour as we speak.

MG: Any plans to tour anytime soon?

CC: Indeed we do. We will be going out on a week-long maiden voyage at the end of November. We’ll be heading down the east coast to Richmond, Virginia and back up. Joining us will be The Hurt Ensemble. Disavow/Lyra reunion tour this spring … I’m just kidding. That van still needs an inspection.

MG: You guys just recorded your first EP, Suffer. Slave. Expire., at Converse Rubber Tracks, correct? How was that? I saw you released those recordings at the beginning of September. Are the recordings receiving good feedback?

CC: Yeah! We had a blast at Rubber Tracks. An old buddy of mine, Sean, engineered and mixed the session so that definitely made us more comfortable recording our demo in a studio that was way too nice for us to be in. We tracked the 8-song demo in 52 minutes which was apparently a record for the studio. But we had a great time outside of recording trying to forge conspiracy theories between Harambe the gorilla and Smooth by Santana featuring Rob Thomas with the engineers (a lot more evidence than you may think), plus free shoes are always nice. But Suffer. Slave. Expire. is getting great feedback. It’s been covered by sites and blogs that just found us on a whim, so that’s very humbling.

MG: Is Disavow playing any shows locally or out of state any time soon? If so could you give me some dates?

CC: We’re playing Psychic Readings on October 8 for Hurt’s come-home show, but nothing else until the east coast tour at the end of November. We’ll be doing a tour kick-off show, also at Psychic Readings, on November 26 with Bonefolder and High Command from Worcester.

You can check out Disavow’s latest release Suffer. Slave. Expire. on their bandcamp.

Upcoming Shows

October 6 @ Firehouse 13// Menace, Ratstab, Laughing Stock, The Clap
October 7 @ The Parlor// Black Pussy and Sweet Heat
October 13 @ The Fete// The Dillinger Escape Plan, O’ Brother, Cult Leader, Bent Knee
October 14 @ The Met// Mewithoutyou, Into It Over It, Needle Points
October 23 @ Great Scott// Daughters, Savage Blind God, Jay Jayle