Featured Contributor June 2022: Kristen Dansereau

Hi everyone, my name is Kristen Dansereau. I am a rising senior at Roger Williams University studying journalism and minoring in sustainability, and I play on the women’s volleyball team. I will be graduating early this December and am beyond excited to begin my career.

This past spring I worked as an intern for Motif and loved it so much that I wanted to continue working with them as a contributor. I truly believe everyone has a story to share, and in my short time at Motif I have already had the pleasure of meeting many people in RI that have expanded my knowledge and given me the chance to put their stories into words.

When I was younger I always had my nose nuzzled in a book, so it’s no surprise to me that I fell in love with writing. Since my sophomore year of high school I have pursued my desire to be a journalist. As my experience increases I’m drawn to this field of study even more because I love to learn and share everyone’s stories.

A couple fun facts about me: I am the youngest of six girls and I have been an aunt since I was 8 years old. If I’m not writing you will likely find me in the gym playing volleyball or spending time with my family.