
March Pinup of the Month
Ashleigh Buckmann


I brandish my shears as a hair stylist at salon bianco in Providence.


Favorite Book:
Lost souls by Poppy Z. brite… It’s been my favorite book since I was
13. don’t judge me.

Biggest Pet Peeve:
When my dogs are lazy and don’t clean the house.

Favorite Movie:
Hitchcock’s The birds. The movie is absolutely
terrifying and Tippi Hedren is immaculate.

Whats your dream job:
Eating dessert all day long and getting paid for it.
I have a really serious sweet tooth. (If this
job exists you know where to find me.)

What do you never leave home without:

drinks! I always have a bottle of water and
coffee or an energy drink, sometimes juice too.
I love having a variety of beverages at my fingertips.

Tell us something we don’t know about you:
I love taxidermy and medical oddities. I also
have the sense of humor of an 11-year-old boy.