Michele Aucoin was always kind, generally sarcastic and reliably wise. She served as a mentor or booster for many in the arts community – both designers and fine artists – and her loss is acutely felt in those communities. Aucoin, 57, was a RI College grad and a graphic designer at many firms in PVD, including Trainor Associates (where we worked together for five years) and most recently at her own studio, MAD Creative, where she did work for many clients, including LifeSpan and Bryant University.
Aucoin’s contributions to the art world included serving on the board of Gallery Night Providence and running the ArtProv Gallery at 150 Chestnut St in PVD. “It was always Michele’s dream to open a gallery,” says Aucoin’s husband, painter Nick Paciorek. And her care and passion showed in the presentations in their space. It was known for showing work that exploded with vibrant color, and for its eclectic gatherings that drew many local artists of note.
She lost her battle with pancreatic cancer in a sudden turn on August 6, passing surrounded by family and friends. She is survived by her husband, her sister Suzanne and brothers John and Ron and their families. She requested in lieu of flowers that condolence gifts be made to the non-profit Gallery Night Providence (gallerynight.org)