CBD Center of RI: A new store selling cannabidiol goods has opened in Johnston at 1239 Hartford Ave. It’s not a typical smoke shop; its mission is to provide products to heal and help patients naturally.
Green Line Apothecary opened their second location last month in PVD. It’s a combination pharmacy and old-time soda fountain — a true throwback to another generation, and no, not the generation that put cocaine in soft drinks. 905 N Main St, PVD.
Providence Kitchen Collaborative: Knead Donuts conquered a food incubator like Conan; they have a new expanded kitchen and will be leasing some kitchen space to other businesses. They haven’t announced an official grand opening yet, but it’s due to open sometime in May. 55 Cromwell St, PVD.
Warzone Paint and Airsoft has opened again for the season, providing an excellent hobby to a batch of Rhode Islanders frequently ignored, because most of us are scared to go farther south than Warwick Mall. 320 Shermantown Rd, Saunderstown.
Two summer traditions are grounded (heh) for the year: the RI National Air Guard Open House Air Show at Quonset, and the South County Balloon Festival at URI. The Quonset Air Show will resume in 2020, but the future of the Balloon Festival looks uncertain as of this writing.