What do you never leave home without? Mascara and an attitude!
What’s your favorite book? Anything by Anne Rice, totally disregarding all that S&M stuff she wrote under a pen name and those books about the life of Jesus.
What’s your favorite movie? I say The Royal Tenenbaums, but my husband says it’s The Hunt for Red October.
What’s your biggest pet peeve? Roller derby folk using their real names. Nobody wants to cheer your boring-ass real name.
What got you into roller derby? My husband said it would be hot. And I have a background as an amateur figure skater (roller not ice). I could already skate – I just needed some new boutfits!.
What do you like best about roller derby? I like that all the ladies I know can take a hit, and ask for it.
Do you play any other sports? I run, but I don’t consider that a sport. I consider it torture
Tell us a secret! I’m still scared of the dark.