Like it was an arrow sent directly to her
My mother my best friend my everything
My mama my mommy my person
The last one to sit down at the dinner table
The first smile I see when I wake
Coffee mug in hand
Already been up for hours
My favorite favorite thing about life
My anchor
My secret box in the form of a person
The I love you was always meant for her
And it always will be meant for her
Because the love it takes to raise someone
To clothe
And feed
And accept no matter what
Is the kind of love that is unconditional
That deserves to be reciprocated
And how can one not want to reciprocate that love
I fall and scrape my knee
She provides the bandaid
I trust and get my heart broken
She is the bandaid
She is the medicine and the bandaid
The comfort and the entity that drives me
The arrow will always be sent to her
With the message
The I love you
I could whisper it into the air
She’d know
How could she not know
I love you
Message sent