
Stop, Rock and Roll
Chronicling recent local releases

Welcome to the fourth installment of Stop, Rock, and Roll! Although February is the shortest month of the year, that didn’t stop it from being stuffed to the gills with amazing local releases. Here are five songs that deserve your attention!

Foxxdye – “Change” Foxxdye have been building hype lately, even without any songs under their belt. Now that their debut single is out, it’s clear to see where the excitement is coming from. “Change” is one of the sleekest, best produced songs to come out of RI; it sounds like something bred for alternative rock radio. The jangling, chorus-soaked guitars, strutting drums and bass, and atmospheric keys are all tied together by velvety vocals.


Jack Wilmot – “Places I’ve Been” Dusky keys open Providence College student Jack Wilmot’s second single. As the pre-chorus builds up with some strings, the song suddenly takes a stylistic turn by throwing in trap drums. Later on, even horns are added to the mix. It’s a very interesting song instrumentally, taking what could’ve been cliche pop and turning it into something unique. Wilmot’s trademark deep vocals sit on top of all this, his heartfelt lyrics discussing how home is where you decide it is.

Julien Deculus – “A Few More Days” Who doesn’t love a mixture of funk, jazz, and pop? Even if you don’t, Julien Deculus will change your mind. The whole track is permeated by a breezy vibe that’s more than welcome in the cold month of February. Deculus’s voice is confident, and his range is present here. The horns and backing vocals on this song also stand out, perfectly filling out the track while not overpowering the other instruments. The production and writing here are superb.

Nico Zaca — “Underworld” This latest single by RI/DC-based musician Nico Zaca has a brooding-yet-danceable vibe to it. His vocals, crawling through a filter, add to the overall dark atmosphere of the track. The lyrics are also intriguing, with lines such as “Please don’t shake my hand/I don’t think we’re gonna be friends,” certainly not being heard in every song out there. While short, the song definitely can get stuck in the listener’s head.

A-Fue – “Asi te Fuiste” Over a looping, spacious guitar, PVD rapper Diego Avila, who goes by the stage name A-Fue, showcases both his rapping and his singing chops. The song alternates between lush trap in the verses and an energetic chorus that practically begs to be played at the club. The lyrics are entirely in Spanish, with the title translating roughly to “So You Left.” However, even if you don’t speak the language, the song is a truly enjoyable experience.