THU 24
Cocktails and Conversations: Conversations about the intersections of gender, race and media literacy. 5:30pm, AS220, 115 Empire St, PVD.
FRI 25
Pride Idol: Singing competition proceeds benefiting Rhode Island Pride. 8:30pm, Mirabar, 15 Elbow St, PVD.
SAT 26 – TUE 28
Gaspee Days Arts and Craft Festival: Over 40 vendors in RI’s most historic location. 10am all days, Narragansett Parkway, Warwick.
SAT 26
WaterFire: The inaugural event for the 2018 season. Sunset at 8:09pm, Waterplace Park, PVD.
MON 28 – It looks like a Monday, but it’s really Memorial Day!
Walk with me! Memorial Day Parade: It’s a parade with colonial trappings. 9 – 11am. Wilson Park, North Kingston.