WED 29
11th Annual Short Short Story Film Fest: For 11 years, Merging Arts has been bringing this inspiring film event to Rhode Island. While some of the shorts may be instantly forgettable, others promise to ricochet around inside your head for years, or gently inspire a pervasive warmth in your heart. Imagine finding your new favorite film in a matter of mere minutes. Tone, genre and style vary from short to short, most of which are about 5 minutes, in this carefully curated collection including live and animated stories from 22 countries across 4 continents. “Heartstrings” program at 2 and 6pm, “Headtrip” at 4 and 8pm. AS220, 115 Empire St, PVD.
Holiday Pops: Featuring the Claflin Hill Symphony with the Greater Milford Community Chorus a night of traditional and international holiday songs. 8pm. Stadium Theatre, 28 Monument Sq, Woonsocket.
13th Annual Gingerbread House Decorating Contest: Tasty treats, grab bags, free face painting, raffles, holiday photo stations, artisan craft sales and free Christmas Carol previews. Space is limited — advance registration recommended. 9am – 5pm. Artists’ Exchange, 50 Rolfe Sq, PVD.
ARIA Expo: Rhodes on the Pawtuxet, 60 Rhodes Pl, Cranston. Truly a fully booked show, this is where Motif’s editorial team does most of their holiday shopping. Meet local authors and pick up their published work, from nationally recognized horror and romance to game books about the biggest little and all topics in between, there are a few hundred authors to browse through at the Association of Rhode Island Authors show, and some surprises as well.
RI Food Fights 6th Annual Spectacular Cookie Smackdown: Only the finest bakers have been invited to compete for the title of Very Best Cookie in Rhode Island! For just $20 you can stuff your face with the tastiest cookies in the state and wash it all down with all a Yacht Club Soda. 1 – 4pm. Hope Artiste Village, 1005 Main St, Pawtucket.