On December 16, under the gibbous moon, AS220 will present a full moon double hitter — and we’re not just talking out of our ass (see what we did there?). First, the Full Moon Market will take place at 159 Sutton St, PVD from 3 to 7pm. This is the third year that this market, which features emerging visual artists between the ages of 18 and 24, has taken place. After you’ve gotten your fill of heavenly artwork, follow the moonbeams to 95 Empire St, PVD to experience the wildly popular Luna Loba. For this performance, audience members are invited to reflect upon the times they’ve felt in danger or under attack and explore how they harnessed their own power to emerge victorious. Luna Loba takes place at 8:30pm, so as you wander from the first full moon to the second, be sure to gaze up into the night sky and give the man in the moon a big ol’ wink. You have plenty of time for moon dancing.