
What’s Your Sign?: And do you think it fits?


Aquarius and triple air sign! Yes & no. I’m aware of it, relate to a lot of it, but don’t fully buy in or let astrology dictate who I am. My emotions totally affect my moods, and my moods affect my behavior. I feel, I flow. I move quickly, and apologize for my mistake easily. I don’t feel perfect and know that I’m still growing and will be forever.


I am an Aquarius. When I looked up the characteristics of my sign, I was a bit surprised to find out how much it suited me. According to online reports, Aquarians are intelligent, creative, analytical, independent, open-minded, rebellious, aloof, altruistic, unconventional, and stubborn – to name a few. I would have to agree with most of the characteristics on this list. Being born under the sign of the water bearer, I’ve always loved the water. As a child, I loved to swim, and listening to ocean waves brings me peace. However, that’s as far as I really ever thought about it. I had heard that most Aquarius people are a bit flakey, and out in space. I can relate to that. I love to daydream. I love to think deeply about situations and consider different angles. I love nothing more than to create, whether it’s writing, music, or some other way. I’m an independent thinker. I don’t follow the herd, which makes me a bit unconventional. I’m consistently aloof and have been told I’m a bit of an enigma – I guess I’m a bit hard to read. Although I feel I could be more altruistic, I feel the same way about everyone. We humans could do better in that department, especially when it comes to understanding one another. Whether my sign influences my characteristics, I’m not sure about that – but it is fun to think about. I suppose I would need more evidence. I’m of the opinion that our upbringing, influences, environment, and our experiences shape the people we are, and the people we eventually become. Our personal characteristics are not fixed but can be cultivated and changed with awareness and consistency. At the end of the day, I think the stars and our relationship to our astrological sign are a bit more coincidental. I’d like to think we have a bit more influence on who we are and who we become. However, maybe that’s just part of my Aquarian independence shining through. Who knows?


Virgo Sun, Leo Moon, Scorpio rising. I always wished to be a ‘cooler’ sign growing up (who wants to be known for being organized?). But finding out my moon and rising has helped to create a more accurate picture of my personality – I just contain multitudes!


When I was young, there was a tiny, but still legitimate, dirt road near my house. It had a sign on it that said “Speed Limit: 0”. The road then rounded a sharp corner, where a sign advised, “Reduce Speed”. I took pictures (Polaroids, back them) and sent them to some TV show that had a segment on funny signs – my first media exposure/meme. Those were always my favorite signs. What do you mean, “Not that kind of sign”?

KIRSTEN LOGAN Leo, Virgo rising, and Virgo sun. When I read everything about this, it fits. However, there have been lots of experiments where the horoscope is switched, and everyone believes it has to do with them. And also… the stars were not aligned the same way as when astrology started.


Maybe it’s because we are born in a harsh cold time, but my fellow Capricorns and I get a bad rap of being harsh cold people. I do not let that reputation bother me much because, like my winter-born peers, I have a deep mistrust of astrology anyway. Aloof, suspicious, ambitious, grudge-holding, change-hating, determined and well-organized are famous Capricorn traits. I admit to all but the last as part of my personality too. But where others may see ambition as a grievous fault I see it as the way the world moves forward. No sense having dreams if you don’t have a plan to make them real. No sense having a job if you don’t plan to be the CEO someday. No sense doing something if you don’t plan to be the best at it. My degrees in history and business showcase the classic Capricorn traits of respect for tradition and a desire to be financially secure. My religion is Catholic, one of the great things about it being that every week is exactly like every other week when you go to services. My vacations? Well I better see at least one president’s birth place on them and I certainly want to make sure that I’m equipped with a laptop, phone, tablet and spare battery packs to stay connected to the internet “just in case” something comes up or I want to check the stock market or write a last minute syllabus. I don’t so much want to get away from it all as I want to take it all with me. I have kept company with other solstice-season babies so much that I feel Capricorns are a delight to be around. My father, grandmother and cousin all shared my sign. To me their dedication to go the extra mile is refreshing, and their view of the correct work-life balance as being 100/0 just seems normal. Inevitably one of the things Capricorns are most competitive about is being Capricorns. My Capricorn daughter came home from school one day a little dejected. “Mom,” she said, “a girl at recess showed me a TikTok video and it said the Capricorns are the 7th best astrology sign.” That was a little hard to take for her. “Honey,” I replied, “don’t you believe that.” “Really?” “Of course!! Everyone knows that when it comes to zodiac signs, Capricorn is the goat.”


I’ve always known that I’m a Gemini, but never quite bought into or understood the meaning behind astrological signs. Granted, I’ve done minimal research to further my understanding, but it’s always seemed like a marketing tool to sell charms, books and other products. I used to read my horoscope back in the time of newspapers. I would read it at the end of the day to check its accuracy. A few times were right on, but it mostly had nothing to do with the day I just experienced. To me, this is entertainment that I don’t quite follow, but I give props to anyone that uses astrological signs (or anything really) as a means of comfort and understanding this stupid mystery we call life. •