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Custom Wine Labels for Holiday Gift Giving

Looking for something personal to give for the upcoming gift giving season? Try a bottle of wine with a unique label on it from our local Rhode Island vineyards. Two vineyards in Rhode Island that I know of create custom wine labels, and they both offer labels for any occasion.

Diamond Hill produces grape wines, fruit wines and cider, and they have been making custom labels since 1989. The labels can be placed on either a favor-sized bottle, which requires a minimum order size of 24, or a standard-sized bottle. Use their artwork, designed by Stephen Rogers, or yours. For more information,

Newport Vineyards has been offering custom wine labels for over 25 years, available in full-sized bottles of 12 in a case or a case 24 splits. Graphic Designer Joanne Krauss creates the custom labels, and has been since she worked with Captain Alexander, the previous owner of what was then named Vinland Vineyards. The custom labels designs have been revamped to incorporate the new branding of Newport Vineyards following their multimillion dollar expansion (see an example of the new holiday labels:; however, historic classics are also available. Ten wines are available for custom labeling (, and make sure you plan ahead — the average turn-around time for design, approval and printing is one to two weeks.