
Double the fun!: Two issues of Motif per month

If you cast your mind back, back, beyond COVID-brain and our seismic societal shifts of the last few years, you might remember that Motif came out twice a month.

That was more work and more expensive, but it was also lovely because not all shows, events and experiences know their details more than a month in advance. Also, for the last nine or ten months, we’ve been running out in most locations after about two weeks anyway. Coming out twice a month helps us keep the news we bring you fresh and more up-to-the-moment, and keep the papers where you can get at them. So, starting in July, look for us to be appearing at your favorite laundromat, coffee house, bar or supermarket at the very end of the month (for the next one) and in the middle of the month (second Wednesday, to be precise).

Of course, we’re always trying to be even more up-to-the moment online, so don’t forget you can learn about the latest happenings at; and we’re planning a very significant upgrade in our listings technology this year – if you’re an arts nerd / computer nerd and want to make suggestions on the interfaces we’ll be revealing in a few months, let us know on our socials or at


Thank you!!!

Publisher, Mike Ryan & the Motif team.