I honestly don’t know
What patriotism
But I know
What patriotism is not
I know that patriotism
Is not Wilmer Josue Ramirez Vasquez
At 2 and a half years old
Committing the crime
Of seeking asylum
In the land of the free
Sentenced to death
At the US-Mexican border hospital
In El Paso
Patriotism is not
mass detention
of civilians
without trial
separating parent
from child
on floors
wrapped in silver blankets
like discarded milk chocolates
It’s not
Oscar Alberto Martínez
and his 23-month-old daughter
Angie Valeria
Blamed for their own deaths
For wanting
And believing
In the American dream
The Jewish holocaust
Didn’t start
With ovens
And gas chambers
It started with character assassination
Of a people
It started with words
Not too much unlike
Bad hombre
Secure borders
I used to believe
Was about
defending the Constitution
I remember pledging
My life
To defend the Constitution
One of two
Only living documents
In the world
but somehow
it became about a song
a misconstrued belief in soldiers
dying for freedom
all wrapped up in a flag
because someone who believes
in the Declaration of Independence
their constitutional right
to be treated as equal
at a football game
I don’t understand
The epidemic of patriotism
When someone is asking to survive
Events that should not require surviving
Like driving with a broken taillight
Walking home
armed with a sandwich
Talking on your cell phone in Walmart
Being 9 years old
With a toy gun
Or in the case
Of Philando Castile
Doing everything correctly
But having black skin
Puts a police officer
In fear for his life
Tell me how protesting
The national anthem
Is about the soldiers
And their sacrifice
Private Emantic F. Bradford
Sgt. James Brown
And veteran
Everett Palmer
After pledging their lives
To defend the Constitution
Couldn’t survive an encounter
With police officers
In America
I used to believe I knew
What patriotism
All I know
Is what patriotism
Is not
We asked Rhode Islanders what patriotism means to them. Check out the article here: Our Country ‘Tis: To celebrate July 4, we asked modern Rhode Islanders what patriotism means to them and the video here: facebook.com/motifri/videos/1388059431342018/
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I Know Why the Dungeon Shook
All Lives Matter
Letter from the Editor