The work of Ragini Upadhyay Grela, a Nepalese artist and a printmaker, is currently showing at Skye Gallery in Providence. Grela’s work revolves around religious tolerance and women’s space in Nepali society and depict the need for peace, love and compassion. Her work is deeply emotional, shown by her use of bold and aggressive lines and colors, and speaks to the human degradation of the natural world through pollution and technology.
Grela intended to travel to Providence with her work, but was unable to do so because of the pandemic. Instead, Skye Gallery has created what it’s calling a type of “speed dating” event. Interested art lovers can book a 15-minute visit with the artist to see her work and ask questions of her via video from her home in Nepal. Bridgewater State College anthropology professor Diana Fox also will be present to provide context.
Virtual visits will be held between 10am and noon on Saturday, May 16. To schedule your 15 minutes with the artist, email skyegallery@gmail.com with your preferred time. For more information, go to facebook.com/events/242832897029004