Assembly Theater, in Harrisville, is presenting a black and white version of the yuletide classic Miracle on 34th Street, performed by the Rhode Island Stage Ensemble. The show opened December 6 and will be performed December 13 through 15.
Paul Tourville plays Kris Kringle, who is hired as a department store Santa by Macy’s. He soon develops a special bond with little Susie Walker (Juliana Eve Gudaitis), who realizes her friend really is Santa Claus. Meanwhile, Susie’s mother Dora (Candice Sampson), an event director for Macy’s, is developing her own relationship with her attorney neighbor Fred Gayley (Mike Daniels). Evil Dr. Sloat (John Campbell) questions Kringle’s sanity when he claims to be Santa Claus. When Kringle is put on trial, the only one who can defend him is Fred, who is severely inexperienced.
The sets and costumes are all monochromatic, except for Santa Claus’ trademark red suit and hat. The actors all sport silver makeup on their faces. At first, the effect is striking but soon becomes just a gimmick. Kringle is a victim of a bad makeup job. It’s very distracting and off-putting.
Tourville, who has been writing and performing for nearly three decades, makes his first stage appearance in this show. Unfortunately, he doesn’t bring the heart and warmth the role requires. Gudaitis fares much better as Susie, who wants a new house for her and her mother to live in. Daniels displayed a genuine sense of comic timing as Fred, and easily outshone his co-stars.
The show’s second half is much stronger, with Kringle’s trial dominating most of the story. Amy Simard has some funny moments as Selma Maynard, who is the prosecuting attorney. Steve Taschereau does well in a dual role as Drunk Santa and Judge Caprio. Beatriz Lopez also wins some laughs as The Elf.
Miracle on 34th Street is sporadically amusing and is sometimes sweet, but it falls short of greatness. The direction by Daniel Lee White is generally uninspired, with a huge mass of actors crossing the stage at several points in the story for no apparent reason. However, at one point, the cast members walk into the audience and sing “Silent Night” in what was easily the highlight of the performance.
Miracle on 34th Street, Assembly Theater, 26 East Avenue, Harrisville. For tickets, call 401-258-9247.