Got Beer?

Roll Out the Beer News Barrel

Here’s the latest batch of beer intel from Area Code 401:

Proclamation Ale Company is this close to starting operations at its mega-facility near Jefferson Blvd in Warwick. The first brew date at the new site is set for September 28; they hope to be open for retail sales in mid-October and host a grand opening gala in early November. And Dave Witham and his crew will be saying a fond farewell to their West Kingston HQ – “the place that we laid our roots, embraced our identity, refined our craft and built relationships with the people who supported us and made us what we are today” – on October 7. The au revoir bash will feature “some special releases and last-minute tricks up our sleeve(s).” Keep up @

Morgan Snyder is getting closer to cutting the ribbon and sharing his fermented creations at Buttonwoods Brewery in Cranston. He told us, “All of our contractors were told they had to be done by September 20, and we should be rolling into the final stages of opening with inspections and permits being issued. We should be able to announce an opening date not long after that.” And they’ll be making their first festival appearance at Beervana on October 20. Look for updates at

Foolproof Brewing Company has a diverse calendar of events lined up in October, with the Comix Craft Comedy Night on the 6th; Pints for Pups, a fundraiser for Paws New England, on the 14th; and the Haunted Brewery Ball on the 28th. Hit for more details and ticket links. Beer-wise, the annual release of Federal Hill Ale is slated for early October and Forecast Chapter 3 at the end of the month (both in 16-ounce cans and on draft). And a new Raincloud variant is in the works, due in December.

Revival Brewing has two new beers for the fall. The first is their latest collaboration with 94 HJY, inspired by Doug Palmeri and Steve Scarpetti, the afternoon hosts. Doug and Scarpetti Porter (“brewed to raise hell”) is a vanilla porter (Revival’s first take on the style). It’s 4.7% ABV and 15 IBUs and 16-ounce tallboys and draft will be available any day now. They’ve also brewed a new Oktoberfest named Helena that’s on tap now in the tasting room. The Märzen lager weighs in at 7.5% ABV and 30 IBUs. Prost!

Narragansett Beer has heeded the hue and cry of popular demand and revived Fest after a three-year hiatus. The ’Gansett folks note that the Märzen lager (5.5% ABV, 22 IBUs) “is inspired bybeer ‘Gansett’s authentic German heritage. Founded by a group of six German immigrants in 1890, Narragansett’s original Cranston brewery was once home to legendary Oktoberfest parties and a towering statue of King Gambrinus, the traditional European cultural icon of beer and revelry.” The King graces the 12-ounce Octoberfest cans that are on shelves now. And you can hoist one or three on Oktober 7 from 5 – 10pm, at a pair of ’Gansett-hosted fests on the West Side of Providence. Ogie’s Trailer Park and the E & O Tap will be bursting with smoked meats from Great Northern BBQ and Wicked Twisted pretzels and games and limited edition beer steins and an oom-pah band, the Hofbräu Spielers.

Whalers Brewing Company recently added a prestigious feather to its beer-making cap: Their flagship beer, Rise, was chosen as the best pale ale in the US at the World Beer Awards ceremony in London. Huzzah! Meanwhile, at their Wakefield HQ, they’ve installed a canning line and a new grain silo. And they’re prepping for their first-ever beer dinner on October 12 at Waterman Grille in Providence. Check their Facebook to make reservations.

And ICYMI, the list of brewers and distributors who be at Beervana Fest (on October 20 at Rhodes-On-the-Pawtuxet in Cranston) is available for perusal at the blog listed below (and in our next issue). It’s a great lineup, natch, including eight esteemed beermakers who will be debuted in Vo Dilun and distributed here via Craft Collective, a Stoughton, MA-based wholesaler run by a Pawtucket native and his pal (they met at URI). A deeper dive on Craft Collective is also posted at Bottles & Cans. Seek, find, lather, rinse, repeat!

For more beer news, check Lou’s blog,, or follow @BottlesCansRI.