
The Blackstone Commons Anthology Seeks Writing

Writers: Here’s a nugget of inspiration and a publishing opportunity we were made aware of by Patti McAlpine at one of Motif’s recent Spoken Word and Poetry (SWAP) meets (a fun, open event for anyone with a love of words, taking place on the first and third Tuesday of each month at R1 Entertainment Center in Lincoln, RI)

Patti McAlpine described it eloquently – our words here won’t do that justice – and her love and respect for the river came through powerfully. The Blackstone River Commons, a non-profit supporting the preservation and appreciation of the river, is seeking letters, poems and gifts from the community to the river. The prompt for the letter is…. If you could have a conversation with the Blackstone River, what would you say? The gifts can be in any artistic medium.

“This project will culminate in the publishing of The Blackstone Commons Anthology – a publication that will be a vessel to hold, document, and inspire people to reflect on these multiple histories and relationships we have with the river. Selected pieces in the publication will include essays, letters, archival materials, interviews, and gifts to the river.”

Send Physical Letters to: The Blackstone River, P.O Box 215, Pawtucket, RI 02860-9998. Or email them to: