Black History Month

Facebook Poem

This once was going to be

A Facebook status
Like the word bank of words I anticipate to use
Words I come across while reading academically and occasionally for leisure 
There is a few words I choose to never include in my everyday vernacular
See these words people think are so spectacular as to revolutionize falling 
revitalizing these lifeless words 
however these words should have 
never been resurrected let alone created


formerly known as a nigger, never an ancestor or Negus
the root deriving from insecurity of not knowing how to tame our greatness
So instead they degraded our ancestors and labeled us less than
Why today do we think it’s okay to put an attenuated clearance tag on a word that was meant to already reduce our worth?


Formerly known to describe a female canine
But somehow this word became benign yet bold 
With venomous energy to exclaim ultimate disgust and belittlement
whether to describe a woman who exerts too much power or a man who who exerts none
Has somehow become to some type of degree of honor
Oft expression of 
biiiiiiiiitch yaaaaaaas

Stop adopting atrocious words to lace lack of linguistic creativity

We are not becoming too sensitive 
We are speaking UP and demanding that you call us by our name and by not our circumstance, condition and emotions
You too should demand the same for yourself

Formerly known to describe something abnormal 
Creating chaotic stigmatism and characters
Rather getting to the root of understanding 
Labeling was easier
Now we throw around the word like F-bombs
Not understanding the trigger of the traumatic word has on those who were deemed and screamed crazy

We are not becoming too sensitive 
We are speaking UP and demanding that you call us by our name and by not our circumstance, condition and emotions
You too should demand the same for yourself

A word formerly known to describe joy
Somehow became synonymous to weakness
As affection and femininity is somehow a disease
Someone’s sexuality equates to one’s strength
Or lack thereof

We are not becoming too sensitive 
We are speaking UP and demanding that you call us by our name and by not our circumstance, condition and emotions
You too should demand the same for yourself

Proverbs 31:8-9 says, “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.”

Just to think

This once was going to be

A Facebook status