Got Beer?

Got Beer? Autocrat Coffee Milk Stout — So Deliciously Rhode Island

stoutIt’s finally returned! Long have we thirsted, and lo, it doth quench! The Narragansett Autocrat Coffee Milk Stout has returned!

‘Gansett is caught in an odd place in the craft beer world, walking that razor’s edge between being a legitimate craft brewery and selling a mass-produced, inexpensive domestic lager. Some beer snobs turn their nose up at them for their lager, and to those doubters I simply say, ‘Try the Autocrat.”

Perhaps I’m a bit biased, though, since coffee and beer are pretty much the two beverages I consume the most. So any coffee beer is, to me, the collision of two perfect worlds which, now that I think of it, is probably why I have to hit the bathroom so often.

Some of my long-time readers will know my ravings on the Berkshire Brewing Co’s Coffeehouse Porter, as well as the equally rich, roasted flavor of the Wolaver’s Alta Gracia Coffee Porter.

The Narragansett Autocrat definitely ranks as an equal in my mind. It’s the subtle differences that make it stand out. Berkshire’s coffee concoction is a delectable, silky-smooth sort of breakfast-blend, Wolaver’s is more of an afternoon cappuccino, and the Autocrat is the creamy after-dinner coffee served with dessert.

If you missed the launch party at Dusk, fear not, for six-packs are already available in select stores and on tap at the finest beer bars near you.

But what is it like, I hear you asking? More importantly, why can I hear your thoughts? (You should be ashamed of yourself, by the way.)

The Autocrat Coffee Milk Stout is a rich, dark, creamy brew that pours a nicely rich dark black with a head of espresso-colored foam. The aroma is like sweet coffee ice cream, and when the smooth, creamy deliciousness hits your tongue it’s like your morning coffee with a little sweetness. The creamy flavor comes from the use of lactose sugar, but fear not — this brew isn’t a heavy one for experienced craft beer aficionados. Though, some liteweights might turn away from so potent a potion, any real Beer Nerds out there like myself will delight in the heady brew.