
Hip-Hop: Supporting the Community

This summer the Rhode Island music scene has been off to a great start. I always enjoy seeing upcoming locals progress in their music careers, and recently discovered that two young artists have potential record deals on the table. New talent is sprouting up every day, and the future looks hopeful.

Different artists make different types of music — some more violent then others. I am hopeful for the music scene to grow in a positive way, but none of us can control an artist’s creative process nor have we experienced their struggles. Audiences can influence artists by supporting local talent and pushing them in a positive direction, ultimately helping the local culture.

To help me put the spotlight on positive upcoming talent, I want the community to do me a favor. Find a local artist who you believe has a bright future and a strong work ethic. Email me one of their  links and contact info, and I might highlight them in an upcoming article. By doing this, we can help bring the music scene together.  The worst thing we can do is sit by silently and watch talent go to waste or let the negative things happening in the world outshine the positive.

Send info to; (Instagram/IG) @ispocka .