
Phillipe and Jorge’s Cool, Cool World: Urinal Soils Its Dockers

Phillipe and Jorge were astounded and then appalled by this headline on page 2 of the October 26 edition of The Urinal:

“Police: White man kills 2 black customers at store”

Are you shitting us? This is so over the line that you’d expect to see it in a KKK newsletter. More than 20 years ago, P&J chastised The Urinal’s editors for a similar aberrant blacks-versus-whites headline, and they were properly embarrassed and contrite. Is anyone proofing the content before it goes to press these days?


May we ask of The Urinal’s executive editor, Alan Rosenberg, normally highly ethical and as solid as a rock, if we should be looking for another attention-grabbing header, like “Jew shoots 2 Christians at bagel shop.” This is disgraceful in 2018. A public apology is called for, this is off-the-charts offensive, and just plain wrong in a paper that prides itself on quality. No longer, folks.