
August Pin-Up of the Month: Tracy Martin


Tracy Martin

Occupation:  Production Operations Manager (@ Retail Solutions Inc  – SaSS company)

Favorite Book:  My favorite recent book is Night Circus, but my all time favorite is Jane Eyre.

Favorite Quote:  “You miss 100% of shots you don’t take.” Wayne Gretsky

He doesn’t specify which kind – I am a Jager bomb kind of girl.

What’s your dream job?  Elementary school art program director; they’re uninhibited and it would be fun and stress free!

Tell us something we don’t know about you.  I was in the active duty Air Force studying Arabic, when I met my husband nearly 20 years ago…we’ve been married since 1995
Favorite Creature of the Night: Vampires. Who wouldn’t want a real life Cullen around?
Biggest Irrational Fear: As a rational person, I would have to say not being prepared for the Zombie Apocalypse.