
Pin-up: Kristen Minsky


Do you have a nickname? Most people call me “Minsky,” like we are on a football team, rather than neo-Vaudeville performers, which makes me laugh.

What do you never leave home without?  My Besame “Red Hot Red” lipstick. I wear a lot of black and animal prints, and the red pop (especially in the winter) cheers me up.


Where’s your favorite RI spot to shop locally? RI Antiques Mall

What’s your favorite book? Zelda by Nancy Milford. The lives of the Fitzgeralds were incredible, and Zelda was truly a phenomenal woman.

What’s your favorite movie? White Christmas. Vera Ellen’s tapping is inspirational.

Do you have a pet peeve? I’m sure I do. I’ll let you know the next time it bothers me.

What’s your funniest/strangest holiday memory? I grew up in the south. I think discovering what giblet gravy and pectin were were uniquely shocking moments.

Does your family have any unusual traditions? Our traditions are ever-evolving, which I enjoy.

Tell us a secret! Minsky isn’t my real last name.