The year of the skater shakeup is coming to a close in Providence Roller Derby. Many of the veterans of the Mob Squad, the Old Money Honeys and the Sakonnet River Roller Rats swapped colors and and embraced former rivals as new teammates. Add to the mix a group of new and impressive skaters, and we got season of impressive jams, standout performances and action-packed contact.
The home season kicked off in June with the Rats just nearly defeating their championship rivals the Mob 198-199. In July, the Honeys did a roll-by on the Mob and picked up a 110-178. Rounding out August, the Rats and Honeys gave the fans at the Thayer Arena in a Warwick a preview of the future championship bout.
The Honeys came out strong by managing control of several lead jams combined with strategic blocking for a 158-118 victory. Now that the Rats have had time to regroup and revise strategy, the packs of both teams will now meet again, this time for the 2018 Home Season Championship Bout.
Not to be outshined or out-gunned, the Mob have issued an open challenge to any one of New England’s derby teams to battle as part of the night’s double-header. Rumors are spreading rampantly, but the truth will be revealed at the championship double-header on Saturday, September 22, at the West Warwick Civic Center. Special halftime performances and crowd-participation events will also take place with a chance at winning cash and prizes. Tickets are available now at
PRD is recruiting more than just new skaters, officials, volunteers and announcers. Continuing the success of this past year, Providence Junior Roller Derby is gearing up for another fall season and are looking for the next generation competitive athletes and on-skates officials. Ages 7-17 non-gender binary and female-identifying skaters are welcome. Classes start every Saturday at Teamworks in Warwick from September 15 – October 27 and November 3 – December 1. To register or inquire on more information, go to the official website or send an email to:
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