
Rose’s Money is a Gem

RosesMoney copyRose’s Money is a comedy-drama about a downtrodden family fighting over an inheritance.
After Rose dies, $87,000 is discovered in her hope chest. Rose didn’t leave a will, so who gets the money?

There’s Billy (Rudy Cabrera), a recovering drug addict with a pregnant fiancee, Sarah (Kerissa Rodrick). Rhonda (Danette Briggs), a highly insecure woman, wants the money to pay for her wedding. Sandra (Jeannie Carson) wants Jack (Jason “Jay” Walker) to have the money. Jack has a teenaged son who plans to go to college. When Jack learns the truth about Rose’s money, all hell breaks loose. There are revelations about love affairs, a robbery gone wrong and illegitimate children.

The play takes place in Sandra’s ramshackle kitchen, which serves the characters well. They seem trapped by their past mistakes and are searching for a way out.


Rose’s Money was written by actor Kevin Broccoli, who provides plenty of snappy dialogue.
The performances are first-rate across the board, especially Ricardo Pitts-Wiley as John, the family patriarch. Pitts-Wiley and Walker share a haunting scene when the real story about Rose’s money is told.

Geoff White is also a solid presence as Sandra’s husband, Bruce, who was in love with Rose.
Director Jonathan Pitts-Wiley keeps the pace humming along and orchestrates a wild climax, resulting in an all-out brawl that resembles a Jerry Springer episode.

Rose’s Money succeeds on many levels. It is a very funny show, but also works as a drama. Watching it all unfold, I was reminded of one of the classic Norman Lear sitcoms from the 1970s, like “All in the Family” or “Maude.” Those shows blended serious dramatic situations with hilarious comedy, to brilliant effect. Rose’s Money is on that level. It is a gem.

EXTENDED THRU MARCH 12; Rose’s Money runs through March 5. Friday and Saturday, 7:30 pm/ Sunday 3pm; Mixed Magic Theatre at Lorraine Mills, 560 Mineral Spring Ave, Pawtucket