Alexandria Lynch and Jessica Rainey started their company, Spiritually Lit, shortly after the pandemic put Rhode Island on lockdown. They knew that creating things made them happy, and they sought a way to use their creativity to make others happy. On a chilly fall day, I spent some time on the front stoop with these two women, discussing their business, their philosophy and how motherhood fits into it all.
Emily Olson (Motif): What is Spiritually Lit?
Jessica Rainey: Spiritually Lit is all about spiritual healing. We sell crystals and make hand-poured soy wax candles, sage bundles and self care boxes that might include a bath bomb or bath salt. Everything we make or sell, we infuse with prayer, like a love prayer or a protection prayer. People are asking for a lot of protection prayers these days.
EO: Tell me a little more about infusing your products with prayer.
JR: Take, for example, a protection box. I burned the Eye of Horace into the lid of a wood box. We put a piece of tourmaline in there, which is a stone for protection, and Alex made two protection candles. As Alex makes her candles, she says a little prayer or chant and then everything I do, I do the same. For a protection box, I pray to the guardians of protections against any evil, illness or negativity.

EO: It sounds like Wiccan and Pagan traditions play a large role in what you do.
JR: People think of Wiccan and Pagan traditions as a dark thing, but it’s self healing. It’s a mixture of the law of attraction, knowing what you want and manifesting what you want in a good way.

Alexandria Lynch: I embrace mindfulness in the Wiccan tradition. When I sweep, I sweep away negativity with the broom. When I stir my tea, I stir in calmness. I like to start my day with meditation and set my day with an intention. That’s magic in itself.
EO: Alex, you have a busy 4-year-old daughter. How do you find the mental space for meditation and peace?
AL: I make my candles when Charlotte [her daughter] goes to bed because that’s when I’m calm. Then when I go to bed, I turn my TV off and sit in my bed with a stone. I breathe in to the count of four and out to four. If I have lingering thoughts on my mind, I let the negative thoughts go and the calm thoughts flow. That’s the hardest thing to do.

EO: Spiritually Lit does live events on Friday nights. Can you tell me about those?
JR: Friday Night Live! Those are fun. When we started the business, we used that as a way to reach people and to let people shop during the pandemic from the comfort of their own home. And we’ve made lots of friends and connections that way.
EO: I watched one and saw the two of you in full costume!
AL: We love dressing up and love Halloween. So for the month of October, we’ve been getting in full costume every Friday night. We do a little live skit at the beginning of our show that sometimes is a fail, but it’s all in fun. We have big secret plans for the 30th. We have a great costume picked out.
EO: What happens during a Friday Night Live show?
JR: People chat with us and have fun. Sometimes we do some education about the crystals we’re selling or I choose a topic to talk about. For example, I just explained what Mercury retrograde means. We do giveaway contests. And if someone wants to purchase one of our items, the first commenter gets it, then we have contactless pickup at my house in Warwick.

EO: What makes a good quality crystal?
AL: The juicier the better. But specific qualities depend on the stone. Clear quartz should have rainbow flashes. With an amethyst, the deeper the purple, the stronger the energies that it carries.
EO: Do the people who buy your products practice Wiccan or Pagan traditions? Or do they hope to gain the benefits of your prayers and expertise?
JR: The people who buy from us just enjoy Jessica and Alex. You don’t have to be Wiccan or Pagan to smudge your house or meditate. It’s just a spiritual journey that everyone goes on.
AL: Everything we do is about laughter and joy.
Watch Spiritually Lit’s Friday Night Live show at 8:30pm on their Facebook page: facebook.com/Spirituallylit401 or check them out on Instagram @spirituallylit401