
Everything’s Coming Up Hardcore

Providence is finally welcoming spring, and there are plenty of shows blowing into town with it. The Met and Lupo’s are hosts to some of the bigger pop punk bands that are coming around. Both Four Years Strong and The Wonder Years will be playing this month. Four Years Strong is taking over The Met on St. Patrick’s Day. And what’s a better way to celebrate than with Boston locals? The Wonder Years are playing Lupo’s early in April with Letlive. Both bands know how to put on a great show. Providence punk legends Dropdead and Boston legends Slapshot are going to be playing an unforgettable show in Newport with FI, Firewalker and Corrective Measure. Firewalker from Boston is taking over the hardcore scene right now, with their original female fronted lineup. AS220 and Firehouse 13 both have stacked lineups throughout March and April. All of spring is sure to bring some of the best lineups at some of the best venues in the city!

March 17: The Met — Four Years Strong, Light Years, Can’t Swim, Trophy Wives, Sayings

March 18: The Cafe — Slapshot, Dropdead, FI, Firewalker, Corrective Measure

March 23: AS220 — Reason to Fight, Safe & Sound, Spirits, Waste of Life, Worst Days

April 2: Lupo’s — The Wonder Years, Letlive, Microwave

April 17: Firehouse 13 — Slapshot, Forced Reality, Worst Days, Barfight Champs, Words of Truth