
Time to Vote

Other voting thoughts: Vote Bob Healy in the Governor race – not so he’ll win, but so he’ll get a big enough showing that others will take some of his ideas more seriously, and understand that we like it when a candidate actually answers questions in a debate, rather than dancing around them.

I plan to support the school of engineering at URI – they’ve done a good job making their school of pharmacy successful on a national stage, and you can never have too many engineers. Question 5 is trickier – it’s support for the arts, which is great; it’s a top down approach, benefiting a number of our largest arts organizations, but that can help our entire community by strengthening the state’s reputation as an arts community and arts destination. Most of the organizations named also have some degree of space sharing, resources, training and mentoring that can indirectly help smaller, scrappier artists and arts organizations, so I’ll vote for it.

