
Unsung Anti-heros

We’ve created a few questions leading you to people you definitely shouldn’t know, if for no other reason than to avoid them and their ilk. Try to answer our questions … if you dare.

1) This serial killer abducted and killed a 10-year-old girl in 1928, then wrote a letter to her parents describing how he ate her body.
2) This woman, the third wife of the Roman emperor Claudius, was allegedly executed for conspiring against her husband. One famous story of hers is about a sex competition she held with a prostitute to see how many partners they could have in a night. This woman won with 25. No slut shaming here, but that story makes us tired!
3) This German chemist, the father of chemical warfare, also won a Nobel Prize in chemistry for inventing a means of fertilizer manufacturing that to this day is used to produce food for half the world’s population.
4) Name the Indianapolis woman who tortured and killed 16-year-old Sylvia Likens, who was in her care.
5) This judge was recently sentenced to 28 years in prison for accepting profit-prison bribes to send black children to jail to keep for-profit prisons full.


1) Albert Fish
2) Messalina
3) Fritz Haber
4) Gertrude Baniszewski
5) Mark A. Ciavarella