The Z-Boys are a power trio that set themselves apart. This act from Newport brings an amplified style of surf rock that shreds into the infinite abyss. Guitarist and vocalist Greg Burgess has a unique jazzy flair. The rhythm section of bass guitarist Amato Zinno and drummer Ziggy Coffey is incredibly tight. When their talents come together, it is an amazing thing to witness. Starting on Feb 1, Burgess, Zinno and Coffey will be having a Thursday night weekly residency at the classy Newport Blues Café featuring a range of special guests.
“This came about when Jim Quinn, the owner of the Blues Café, approached me about playing every Thursday,” Zinno explains. “The Z-Boys have been at Perro Salado in Newport on Wednesdays for a long time, and we were starting to feel a little confined, so moving to a bigger room made sense. We picked February 1st to start the residency because we wanted to take a short break, write some new songs, and get people hyped up about the change.” With The Z-Boys already having a solid reputation for a good time in the City by the Sea, folks are for sure going to get amped from the first night onward.
Each night will have the trio sharing the stage with a stellar opening band. The styles range from blues to indie rock to hip-hop, so each night will be a bit different. “The first month’s acts are all bands or performers we really enjoy and respect,” said Zinno on the openers. “The Silks are a great foil for us. Julie Rhodes is an amazing singer. And Roz and the Rice Cakes are the first band I saw after moving to Providence, and they are still one of my faves. Camden Murphy is also a great friend, a talented performer, and he invited us to play the first show we did at the Blues Café. It’s only right that we have him on for one.”
“What people can expect is great music on a great sound system in one of the best rooms in Rhode Island!” exclaimed Zinno. “It’s going to be a party and we wanna start it off right, so by the time we get into spring and summer, it’ll be humming every week.” Come on down for what should be a swell way to spend Thursday nights at the Newport Blues Café with a band that brings a one of a kind experience.
Event page: facebook.com/events/1356829037777246
Newport Blues Café: newportblues.com
Z-Boys: facebook.com/zboystonight