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Shirley Prisco: Motif Astrologer

Shirley Prisco is the Sun Sign columnist for Motif Magazine. She is a professional astrologer certified by the National Council of Geo-Cosmic Research, an international organization devoted to astrology education. In addition, she is a member of The International Society for Astrological Research and the Association for Astrological Networking.

We recently sat down for a conversation that included topics ranging from astrology to the upcoming election, her beginnings in the field, and her hopes for the future. We discussed her love of Bob Dylan, and at one point, I was even fortunate enough to have her do an impromptu chart for me.

The 71-year-old Prisco is lovely. She has many stories and a deep insight into her chosen profession. I try to keep a basic knowledge of most subjects under my belt. That way, I can keep close tabs when someone is not what they claim to be. I have to say Shirley Prisco is the real deal. Her knowledge of astrology and tarot is encyclopedic and dwarfs my meager understanding of the subject. “I’ve always been interested in astrology for as long as I can remember,” Shirley began. “Back then, there was not much information on the subject. So, anytime I was fortunate enough to find a book on it, I would immediately buy it as a young woman. I still have many of those same books today.” She explained many aspects of astrology in detail to me, and while I could follow the concepts, I must admit that most of it was beyond me. She was patient with my questions and did her best to explain everything.

Shirley began with Motif Magazine in October 2005 and has been bringing her brand of astrology to the magazine ever since. Astrology and other forms of divination have always gotten a bad rap in the mainstream. It was looked at as something to do for a lark or as something flaky people did. When asked if this was something she absolutely believed in, she did not hesitate. “Absolutely. When done correctly and thoroughly, it is a science. We can see where planets were during your birth and the corresponding factors involved.”

I have to say that she made a believer out of me. I was born on the cusp – the last day you can be born a Libra, so I asked what that meant for me. She immediately pulled out her phone and got the date and year of my birth as well as the time. She showed me over and over again the different things that influence my choices and behaviors, and I have to say she was pretty spot-on with everything she said. Watching her use her phone to work through it, I had to ask what she thought of social media and its effect on astrology and other forms of divination. “Social media has benefited astrology, and I love it. Computer programs have made things much easier than they used to be.”

I asked if she had any future plans to change things in the future with the column. “The column as written is what people seem to want. I don’t see a reason to change that. For the column, I paint with a broad brush. Our YouTube series gets a little more in-depth. I began seeing clients professionally in the early ’90s. I still see some, though not as often as I used to. However, I welcome people with questions. I love my work and try to make people understand what astrology is and is not. Astrology goes much further indepth than most people realize.”

Shirley told me she also sometimes augments her charts with tarot cards, telling me that they can add details and little bits of information or intuition that might get overlooked. “People are realizing that life is not just getting up, going to work, consuming, and then that’s it. They realize there is something more out there. Many people are searching for answers. Astrology and other forms of self-improvement are finally starting to be taken seriously and get the mainstream attention that they deserve. Even stock traders are making business decisions based on astrology these days because it works.”

I know this much- during our time together, I was impressed by Shriley’s knowledge and willingness to share it. She has been an asset to Motif Magazine for many years. I hope she will continue to be for many more years to come. •