Keep on Moving

Punks Don’t Know Jack

This split CD from Cretin Records comes out of the gates with no holds barred punk rock. Defecation Area open the CD swinging with “Generation D.U.M.B.,” which while essentially generic 77’s punk does sound big. They remind me a little of ’90s NYC punks L.E.S. Stitches, who were one damn good band. The most off-putting thing to me about this track is that I’m really sick of punk rockers singing about how everything is dumb. They’re dumb or everyone else but them is dumb. Either way, songs about being dumb are stupid. I know, The Ramones did it with “Pinhead,” but guess what….you are not The Ramones. Defecation Area definitely hit big on the scorching “Slam Dance is Savage” and channel the Beach Boys via Social Distortion on “She Just Wanna Dance.” Defecation Area may mine ground that has been well traveled from the Dead Boys and 2 billion bands since, but they do it better than most!

It’s good to see some studio recording finally making their way out for Tony Jones and The Cretin 3. They kick off their half of the disc with “Lady Frankenstein,” which has a strong Cramps undertone. The Cretin 3 essentially merge rockabilly and punk together and sprinkle some horror rock sensibility lyrically. “Bathroom Floor” really isn’t my bag. It doesn’t really rock and is too repetitive and the vocals kind of give me a migraine. Better is “Leather,” which borrows the guitar riff from Cheap Trick’s “He’s a Whore” and uses it to create a catching little ditty. “Blood on the Pavement” is a strong closer that brings to mind bands like The Independents and the Jonee Earthquake band. All in all, Tony Jones and The Cretin 3 deliver a solid shot of rock ‘n’ roll.

Tony Jones and The Cretin 3 will be performing at intermission of GCW Wrestling extravaganza taking place May 26th at the Varnum Armory located on6 Main StinEast Greenwich.  The matches kick off at6PM.



Fishbone are one of those seminal bands that have undergone resurgence in recent years in terms of activity after peaking commercially in the mid-90s. Fishbone actually started when the members were in junior high school in 1979 as a “disparate, all-black oddball crew.” I find that amazing considering I don’t keep into contact with anyone from those days never mind continue actually continuing to engage in any of activities from those days. Musically, they mashed Jamaican ska, soul, funk and hard rock up to create something different and unique on the ’80s “left of the dial” indie rock landscape. As the grunge rock revolution hit in the early ’90s Fishbone shifted with the times to more the funky hard rock spectrum on records like The Reality of My Surroundings, Give a Monkey a Brain and He’ll Swear He’s the Center of the Universe, and Chim Chim’s Badass Revenge. I first caught Fishbone live in the early ’90s at the old Campus Club and remember the night as a torrid sweat-soaked dance party. Singer Angelo Moore definitely stands out as one of the more eccentric and charismatic performers that I’ve ever had the pleasure of catching perform. In the late ’90s, when the “alternative” bubble burst from gentrification, so did Fishbone’s momentum. Since 1996, Fishbone has only managed to put together two full-length studio releases. After the better part of a decade away, Fishbone recently has been on an the upswing of sorts with the release of a documentary titled Everyday Sunshine: The Story of Fishbone and an increased touring schedule that has seen them come through town a few times in recent years. Call me a sucker for nostalgia, but I’m pretty stoked to see Fishbone again for the first time in almost 20 years at Fete. Punk rockers The Brunt of It and local ska kings The Agents will open the show.

Fishbone, The Brunt of It, and The Agents will be at Fete inProvidenceon May 19th.


Three Bad Jacks

Three Bad Jacks are a mix of pop rockabilly, and singer-songwriter crap. If you can look beyond the cheesy aspects of the latter to the rock ‘n’ roll – Three Bad Jack becomes a pretty good band. Three Bad Jacks have a new CD titled Pictures & Memories From Home that leans to the high energy music that is their forte. Seriously though, my only explanation for the tune “Noah and Jacob’s Song” is that someone in the band lost a bet. Tracks like “I’ve Been Around” and “X Marks the Spot” are much better representatives of the band’s repertoire. I can also vouch for The Arkhams for good psychobilly rock ‘n’ roll.

Three Bad Jacks, The Arkhams, The Pity Whores, The Wrong Guys, and The Honey Shakers will be at the Pvd Social Club on May 19th.


Punks For Pets

Whoever said all punk rockers care only about is cheap booze and loud guitars has never been to a Punks for Pets Benefit. The first Punks for Pets show was organized by Jenn Lombari in 2007 at The Living Room inProvidence. In addition to proceeds from the doors, attendees are encouraged to bring donations of pet food and supplies, which as in the past, will be given to Providence Animal Rescue League. During the last few years, other benefits shows have been held with donations going benefit worthy causes such as the RI flood victims in 2010 as well as PALS Humane Society Gift and Thrift Shop. The organizers of this year’s Punks For Pets are hoping to make this year’s benefit the biggest one yet! Let’s  see – check out some punk rock by the likes of Sourpunch, Lowlife, Vagora, Red Line Rebels, and Dog Day Afternoon AND make a difference by helping better the lives of many vulnerable animals… well sounds like a WIN -WIN from here!

The Punks for Pets Benefit will take place on May 26th at The Blood Drive Co Op on745 Branch Avein

Providence.  The show is all ages and as added bonus the Poco Loco taco truck will be there from 5-10 to cure your hunger.  There is a $5 dollar donation plus bring pet food and supplies is encouraged.  All donations will be split amongst local animal shelters.



Lindsey Buckingham

It is rare when you get to catch a legend like Fleetwood Mac vocalist/guitarist Lindsey Buckingham in a club setting. Buckingham’s guitar solos in “The Chain” and “Go Your Own Way” were defining points of that era of Fleetwood Mac. I’d go as far as to say Buckingham was the biggest talent even though he tends to get over shadowed by Stevie Nicks. “Go YourOwn Way” is probably the greatest breakup song ever and a perfect pop song to boot. The fact that it was about the incestuous nature of the band just gives them bonus points. Buckingham has released a number of solo albums, none of which I’ve heard. It doesn’t matter because Buckingham could just stand on a stage in dead silence for an hour and then play “Holiday Road” and “Go Your Own Way” and I’ll think it was the best $50 I’ve ever spent.

Lindsey Buckingham will be at Lupo’s Heartbreak Hotel on May 30th.


Odds & Sods:

The Evil Streaks, The Mighty Good Boys, The Sour Doo-Dahs, and The Denver Boot are at Firehouse 13 on May 18th.  I’m a big fan of The Evil Streaks personally. Think female-fronted surf garage with horror-rock lyrics.  Boy Sets Fire and I Hate My Freedom are at the Met Café on May 18th.  Verse, Achilles, Like Wolves, Raindance and My Fictions are at AS220 on May 18th. Armageddon Record Shop presents: Nasum, Brutal Truth, and Dropdead at AS22o on May 22nd.  Aborted, Stryk Nine, Gut Bucket, and Gravesideservice are at the Pvd Social Club on May 23rd. Vulgarrity have a video premier show at Fete on May 25th with Dirty Durdie. Bob Kendall, Hope Anchor, and The Sentimental Favorites are at the Pvd Social Club on May 25th. I caught Hope Anchor recently and all I can say is “holy shit” – straight up rock ‘n’ roll. I’m not sure what happened, but their new tunes are phenomenal. The Can’t Nots, Mattera, Sgt. Baker & The Clones, and Jillian Stellar are at AS220 on May 26th.  METCALF, Dog Day Afternoon, Our Burgandy, are at Firehouse 13 on May 31st.  Vertical Twin, Fall and Bounce, and Psychedelic Clown Car are at the Pvd Social Club on June 1st.

Email music news to mclarkin33@gm