Aries: Aries may have reached a goal or be in the process of changing those goals as life events have altered your perceptions. While career and the business of life occupy you by Full Moon time, you are ready for some fun. Romance and fun stuff make you feel like a kid again. Let your creative impulses flow.
Taurus: Intense encounters trigger some deep soul searching. As you run into argumentative and belligerent people, let your ruler Venus take over. Diplomacy and pouring oil on troubled waters is her specialty. All of this tension opens your eyes to new possibilities as you look for solutions and find some pleasant folks along the way.
Gemini: Gemini is into some deep conversations. Taxes, insurance and estate matters require careful attention. Don’t agree or sign anything until after the 25th when your ruler Mercury goes direct. New ideas, new information and a clear picture emerge. Someone wise beyond their years offers advice and a helping hand.
Cancer: Your passions are aroused, physically, mentally or emotionally. Something has got your motor running. A difficult lover, co-worker or authority figure offends your sense of what is right and what is wrong. Someone may be trying to seize power and be in control. Cancer’s having none of that. You’ve got big ideas and can back them up.
Leo: You’re in the process of implementing some creative solutions to some everyday problems. With the Full Moon in your sign you’re in the spotlight, a position you handle quite well. You’re appreciated simply for following your daily routine. A financial windfall takes the pressure off and you are free to enjoy yourself.
Virgo: Virgo is having a tough time shaking off the holidays. Continue to have fun, but your ruler, Mercury retrograde until the 25th, prompts you to pay attention to those pesky little details. Don’t overlook something important. By the Full Moon you’re ready to get back to business. You’re busy, but can handle it all.
Libra: Lucky for Libra that you are a people person because folks are all around you demanding, surprising and talking your ear off. Friends, lovers, cranky old neighbors and quirky folks challenge your diplomatic skills. This is not a bad thing. It is a great time to expand your network. Full Moon activates your social life, so socialize already.
Scorpio: You’re pumped and ready for action. If your resolution is to get more exercise, this is a great time to start. You’ve got plenty of energy. Burn it off in a positive manner. With a head full of ideas you get some recognition for innovation. Around the Full Moon, life gets pleasant and romance lurks at your front door.
Sagittarius: Things are looking up for you. The holiday parties spill over and you continue to enjoy people and events that lighten your load. A spark of creativity or the spark of romance flashes across your radar. Take advantage because it is a fleeting moment. Finances improve somewhat as the pace of life picks up.
Capricorn: You’re ready for change as the Sun in Capricorn shines the spotlight on you. Retrograde Mercury in Capricorn cautions you to make careful plans and perform proper reviews before making any of those changes. Mercury direct on the 25th and Venus in your sign at the Full Moon sends clear go-ahead signals.
Aquarius: Retrograde Mercury in your 12th house prompts an inner search. The answers come from within during this period as ideas slowly bubble to the surface. You face conflicts with and within personal relationships. The boss, the friend, the neighbor, they’re coming out of the woodwork. Full Moon says speak up. Make it loud and clear.
Pisces: Along with the holiday fun and frolic, you have been taking care of business. You’re about to reap the rewards of all that diligence. Could be cash, recognition or a bigger playing field. Friends and like-minded individuals introduce you to other viewpoints, cultures and interesting ideas. A good time to plan for the future.