I made my debut as an extra in motion pictures on July 23. It was the last day of filming on Higher Methods. I reported to Country Gardens in Rehoboth, which is a wedding and banquet facility with sprawling grounds. A production assistant escorted me to the filming location.
The scene I was needed for was a “movie within the movie” according to director Nathan Suher. The setting was supposed to be a park. Actors Michael Christoforo and Abigail Jean Lucas were sitting on a bench. Some young children, also extras, frolicked in the background.
All I had to do was walk in the scene. Not a lot of preparation was required for that. I walked 50 feet into the woods. I did it at least 10 times. I would wait until I heard ‘cut,’ then return to my mark and do it again. My wardrobe was basic: I wore a souvenir t-shirt I got in Rome, blue shorts and a fanny pack.
It was so easy, yet it was nerve-wracking. What if I tripped and fell? The whole scene would have been ruined. Fortunately my legs never let me down.
There were some snafus. A plane was flying overhead so we had wait until it was gone before shooting could resume. A few times I started walking before “action” was called. Nathan gave me a hand signal so I would know when to go.
I wasn’t a prima donna. No theatrics, no demands, no “attitude.” I did what I was told. Casting agents, take note. After an hour, the scene was completed. The crew prepared for the next scene and I went home, hoping my shot at cinematic immortality didn’t end up on the cutting room floor.
That’s showbiz.