Aries: Love and money — sometimes they work together and sometimes they don’t. This is one of those times when these issues do not run smoothly. Take the time to think it through and work it out. Passions run high and deep, conversations are intense. Things will not chill out easily. It’s complicated.
Taurus: Interaction with others, relationships, consultations and all kinds of “people” stuff drive you crazy, make you happy and provide you with valuable information that allows you to move ahead with your plans. You may want to let all this gel for a bit before you take any permanent steps. Do some serious thinking.
Gemini: You are pulling stuff up out of your subconscious and using that knowledge in a practical manner. You reorganize your space, your processes and your relationships with those you see every day. Some of your behavior is not your usual style, but you find it is quite effective. Some new information or news shocks you.
Cancer: You let loose with your inner child during this period. You are creative, funny, fun-loving and express yourself in a forceful but pleasant way that attracts folks to you. Someone is quite somber and serious. That is not your style these days. You want passion and action and have no interest in traditional stuff.
Leo: Your private and public persona bounce around between agreement and being totally at odds with one another. You want to hide out at home one minute and the next you feel like taking center stage. Your life is heading in a new direction. You’re ready for that, but someone in your life is not. Expect some argument from that quarter.
Virgo: A truckload of busy lands on your desk. The work and tedious stuff require action, which you are ready and able to do. Some fun stuff also is on the agenda, as you connect with pleasant people and enjoy some interesting and stimulating conversation. Unexpected news from afar provides a bit of a shock.
Libra: You have found that mixing friends, money and business deals don’t always work out so well. You are concerned with your finances and there may be some unexpected incoming and outgoing cash. It may take a while to untangle some complex issues involving shared resources, but you will get your own house in order.
Scorpio: You are in the driver’s seat with all the positive energy on your side. There are still some folks who will surprise you. Take some time to figure out where you want to go next and what steps you need to take to get there. Don’t let the erratic behavior of others deter you from your chosen path.
Sagittarius: You keep mostly in the background during this period, but on occasion you are spurred to action. The spur on these occasions spring from some inner source, an idea that floats up into your conscious mind. These actions will not hurt you or anyone else, but you may not get the reaction you thought you would.
Capricorn: Even as you are your usual responsible, duty-driven self, you are compelled into a social whirl that proves beneficial to you. New connections, friends and an unusual romantic interlude keep you on your toes and ready for more excitement. You are getting around to doing what it is you want to do, not what is expected of you.
Aquarius: You’re a star these days. You get noticed, receive recognition and in general get rave reviews. This is all preparation for a major shift coming down the line. Reap the rewards and enjoy the spotlight. This all helps you to figure out what and where your next phase will bring you.
Pisces: New friends and contacts broaden your outlook. Your interests range from the artistic to the scholarly. Other cultures and lifestyles intrigue you. Your friends include some serious-minded folks who want to learn and improve their lives, and you are ready for those types of endeavors. The search for knowledge intrigues you.