Aries: Retrograde Mercury cautions against impulsive spending and taking out loans, and advises you to scrutinize all paperwork related to finances. Keep your eye on the ball. The world continues to unfold before you with new insights, broader outlook and far-reaching ideas. Someone tries to be nice, but you see through it.
Taurus: You are working out some relationship issues while you are transitioning. You are changing and some folks don’t like that; they like the old you. Too bad, new you is here to stay. There is some money involved — an inheritance, tax break or a larger-than-usual dividend. Careful planning for the future is called for.
Gemini: Some rumbling beneath the surface will not have an adverse effect on your more pleasant relationships. Money matters where you are involved with others become a bit prickly. Investigate; after the 20th new information surfaces. Until then, observe, question and gather the facts.
Cancer: A new interest — romantic, creative and/or artistic — sparks your interest. If romantic, proceed with caution. After the 20th, things will look a bit different. Some exciting people enter your life and pull you out of your work-a-day world. Colleagues are congenial and provide a lot of fun.
Leo: While you enjoy being a stay-at-home, the pull of your favorite activities and pasttimes pull you into the social whirl. Romance and creative self-expression heads your way in abundance. Be wary of someone who promises more than they can deliver. Don’t neglect chores and duties as it will come back and bite you.
Virgo: Your small world has gotten larger. Now is the time to review and evaluate all that you have discovered. Some of this new knowledge may come as a shock to you, but you are able to roll with the punches. You get a handle on your creative side and produce some concrete results. Entertaining at home appeals.
Libra: Diplomatic Libra comes on more aggressive than usual. Mars in your sign pumps you up. It’s a good time to start an exercise program; channel that energy in a positive way. While your world is expanding with new ideas and new people, it is a good time to examine the budget. Don’t sign anything until after the 20th.
Scorpio: The Sun traveling through Scorpio brings the fresh and the new into your life. It’s not all fun and games as you analyze your needs and wants. Some things may need to be put aside while others move to the forefront. While the money situation receives a healthy boost, be sure to budget wisely. Think before you take action.
Sagittarius: A mixed bag of abundance and scarcity forces some clever budgeting and distribution of resources. You attract positive and helpful people, things and events into your life. Find some quiet time to recharge your batteries and pay attention to what is really important to you and what it is you can do without.
Capricorn: The ongoing changes within you continue. Now you give some serious thought to where you are heading, like what changes to make, what steps to take and how to use your energy in the most effective manner. The Full Moon brings some surprising folks into your life. There’s lots of excitement there.
Aquarius: Before you implement your new plans for your future, be sure about where you’re heading. Review your plans carefully, listen to your wise and wonderful friends. Some unexpected events may alter your plans. Romance and moneymaking opportunities evolve through friendships.
Pisces: As new information pours in, you utilize that information to your advantage. Your standing in the community has never been better. You receive help from benign authority figures. Old friends prove their worth and loyalty. You review your plans for the future; be sure you really want to move in the current direction.